Turizem Ljubljana CGP 2017

5.23 Slikovna brošura za destinacijo v velikosti A4

Prikazana je pomanjšana A4 stran, ki prikazuje mrežo fotografij v dveh stolpcih. Vsako polje meri 63 x 86 mm. Slike je mogoče povečati, da zavzamejo več polj (glej 5.30).

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Ljubljana’sOldTown Theold city centreor Ljubljana’sOldTown is comprisedof the areabetween the castle hill and the LjubljanicaRiver; from theCentralMarket to theGornji trg square and from theTrg francoske revolucije squarewithKrižanke complex to theŽidovska ulica street, there arepicturesque squares, narrowpaved streets, fountains and interesting façadesofdifferent architectural styles,which inspire each and every visitorwith their stories.Threemedieval squares – from theStari trg square, across theNovi trg square anddown to theMestni trg square, embrace the footof the castle hill andflowone into another.They havepreserved their typicalGothic,wreathed design.Mostof the houses along the squares areBaroque andonly some,with their axes at right angles to the street, have retained theirmedieval layout. Prešernovtrgsquare The square is named after thegreatestSlovenianpoet,FrancePrešeren (1800-1849). Hispoetry is a symbolof longing for love and freedom,which iswhyoneof his poems,Zdravljica/AToast,became the national anthem.For the locals, thePrešernov trg square is the heartof the city, ameetingplacewhere they celebrate cultural events andpublic holidays.Themonument toPrešerenwas unveiled in 1905 and is the workof architectMaksFabiani and sculptor IvanZajc.Theornamented façadeof the FranciscanChurch,builtbetween 1646 and 1660,dominates the square,basedon the Italianmodel. Itsgreat altardates from 1736 and is theworkof the sculptorFrancesco Robba.TheTripleBridge, a special architectural featureof Ljubljana, ismade upof theold stonebridge from 1842 and twomorebridgeswhich architect JožePlečnik added in 1931, thusproviding an elegant entrance into theOldTownof Ljubljana. Ljubljanicariver Another icon indeliblymarks Ljubljana – the Ljubljanica river.As it is a sinking river and appears underdifferent nameson the surface,people started to call it the “river of seven names”. Itpresented themain trade and supply route fromRoman times until the establishmentof the railway in themid-19th century.Due to its extraordinary archaeological, historical and cultural-historical features, it hasbeendeclared a culturalmonumentof national importance from its springs to theŠpica area.With its green embankments, arrangedpromenades anddiversebridges, itwinds through the oldpartof Ljubljana andgives it adistinctive character. CentralMarket–Plečnik’scoveredmarket Ljubljana’sCentralMarket ismore than just aplace to shop.Traditionally, ithas also been aplace for the locals tomeet and enjoy themselves together.TheCentralMarket consistsof anopen-airmarket, located in theVodnikov trg andPogačarjev trg squares, a coveredmarket situatedbetween the two squares, and a seriesof small food shops along the riverLjubljanica,which are referred to as ‘Plečnik’sCoveredMarket’ as they are located in a colonnadedesignedbyLjubljana’s famous architect JožePlečnik. TheCathedral–ChurchofSt.Nicholas TheLjubljanachurch,whichboatmenandfishermendedicated to theirpatronStNicholas, probably stoodon the siteof thepresentcathedralasearlyas the 13 th century.The cathedral,with frescoesbyGiulioQuaglioandbuilt to theplansof theRomanJesuit AndreaPozzo,waserectedbetween 1701and 1708.Thecupolawasadded later.To the rightof themainentrance isaGothiccapitalwithaheadofChriston theexternalwalland, beside it,amid-15thcenturyGothicPietà,oneof the rareworksofartpreserved from the previous,oldGothicchurch.Two stunningbronzedoorswereadded in 1996 inhonourof thePope’svisit toLjubljana.The (main)westdoor facing theBishop’sPalace recounts the historyof 1250yearsofChristianity inSlovenia.The sixbishopson the southdoor fronting theCiril-Metodov trg squaredepict thehistoryof theLjubljanadiocese.

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