Turizem Ljubljana CGP 2017
5.22 Velikost 297x210 mm: slikovna mreža v treh stolpcih
To je zmanjšana stran A4, ki prikazuje slikovno mrežo v treh stolpcih. Vsak okvir je velik 48,7x55,3 mm. Slike se lahko poveča, da zasedejo več okvirjev (glej poglavje 5.30).
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Caption: 7/9pt Gotham Rounded Book
Caption: 7/9pt Gotham Rounded Book
Caption: 7/9pt Gotham Rounded Book
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Caption: 7/9pt Gotham Rounded Book
Caption: 7/9pt Gotham Rounded Book
Caption: 7/9pt Gotham Rounded Book
Caption: 7/9pt Gotham Rounded Book
Caption: 7/9pt Gotham Rounded Book
Caption: 7/9pt Gotham Rounded Book
Caption: 7/9pt Gotham Rounded Book
Caption: 7/9pt Gotham Rounded Book
Caption: 7/9pt Gotham Rounded Book
Caption: 7/9pt Gotham Rounded Book
Caption: 7/9pt Gotham Rounded Book
Caption: 7/9pt Gotham Rounded Book
| < > 17.213mm
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