Turizem Ljubljana CGP 2017
4.9 Poravnava osnovnega besedila
Text alignment Poravnava besedila
Neprekinjeno osnovno besedilo se poravnava na levo stran, brez vezajev.
Ljubljana is a great place to visit. A city with soul, small enough to preserve the individuality of its inhabitants. It has history, tradition, style, arts & culture, and an atmosphere that is both Central European and Mediterranean; those who know us better would also add the adjectives multilingual and hospitable.
Ne postavljajte osnovnega besedila v središče.
Ljubljana is a great place to visit. A city with soul, small enough to preserve the individuality of its inhabitants. It has history, tradition, style, arts & culture, and an atmosphere that is both Central European and Mediterranean; those who know us better would also add the adjectives multilingual and hospitable.
Ljubljana is a great place to visit. A city with soul, small enough to preserve the individuality of its inhabitants. It has history, tradition, style, arts & culture, and an atmosphere that is both Central European and Mediterranean; those who know us better would also add the adjectives multilingual and hospitable.
Ne poravnajte besedila na desno stran.
Ne poravnajte besedila obojestransko.
Ljubljana is a great place to visit. A city with soul, small enough to preserve the individuality of its inhabitants. It has history, tradition, style, arts & culture, and an atmosphere that is both Central European and Mediterranean; those who know us better would also add the adjectives multilingual and hospitable.
Ljubljana is a great place to visit. A city with soul, small enough to preserve the individuality of its inhabitants. It has history, tradition, style, arts & culture, and an atmos- phere that is both Central European and Mediterranean; those who know us better would also add the adjec- tives multilingual and hospitable.
Ne vstavljajte vezajev v besedilo.
Paragraph indents Z mikanje odstavkov
Nov odstavek v odlomku neprekinjenega besedila se loči z zamikanjem prve vrstice. Dolžina zamika za navadne dokumente je določena v poglavju 5.9.
Being close to many of the major sights and attractions of Slovenia, Ljubljana can also be your starting point to discover the country’s diversity. We – the local residents – are ready to share with you some of the best we experience in our daily lives and invite you to explore one of the smallest and most charming European capitals: a city whose name means ‘the beloved’.
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