Turizem Ljubljana CGP 2017
4.8 Presledki v osnovnem besedilu
Naslednji primeri prikazujejo, kako mora biti pisava GothamRounded Book postavljena glede na presledke v neprekinjenem besedilu. Enote uporabljene za izračun se razlikujejo med verzijami stavčne programske opreme, zato so tukaj primarno uporabljene kot vizualni sklic. Izbira pisave temelji na formatu, funkciji in namenu. Glej 5. poglavje za pogoste posebne formate.
Vodilno besedilo Preozko
Ljubljana is a great place to visit. A city with soul, small enough to preserve the individuality of its inhabitants. It has history, tradition, style, arts & culture, and an atmosphere that is both Central European and Mediterranean; those who know us better would also add the adjectives multilingual and hospitable.
Pravilno (1,35 x velikost pisave)
Ljubljana is a great place to visit. A city with soul, small enough to preserve the individuality of its inhabitants. It has history, tradition, style, arts & culture, and an atmosphere that is both Central European and Mediterranean; those who know us better would also add the adjectives multilingual and hospitable.
Ljubljana is a great place to visit. A city with soul, small enough to preserve the individuality of its inhabitants. It has history, tradition, style, arts & culture, and an atmosphere that is both Central European and Mediterranean; those who know us better would also add the adjectives multilingual and hospitable.
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Presledki med besedami Preozko (50 % v programu QuarkXPress)
Ljubljana isagreatplace tovisit. Acitywithsoul, small enough topreserve the individualityof its inhabitants. It hashistory, tradition, style, arts&culture, andanatmosphere that isboth Central EuropeanandMediterranean; thosewhoknowusbetter wouldalsoaddtheadjectivesmultilingual andhospitable.
Pravilno (75 % v programu QuarkXPress)
Ljubljana is a great place to visit. A city with soul, small enough to preserve the individuality of its inhabitants. It has history, tradition, style, arts & culture, and an atmosphere that is both Central European and Mediterranean; those who know us better would also add the adjectives multilingual and hospitable. Ljubljana is a great place to visit, although you will not find world-renowned attractions here. Nevertheless, it has history, tradition, style, arts & culture, and an atmosphere that is both Central European and Mediterranean; those who know us better would also add the adjectives multilingual and hospitable.
Preširoko (100 % v programu QuarkXPress)
Pomišljaji in vezaji Uporabljajte vezaje za sestavljene besede, ne za izjave ali številčne razpone v oklepajih.
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We - the local residents - are ready to share… 1956-1960
Namesto tega uporabite pomišljaj.
We – the local residents – 1956–1960
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