Skulpture Franc Solina 2021

Noga velikana / e Foot of the Giant , 2017, 38 x 16 x 11 cm, prodnik / pebble

Oligocenska vulkanska kamnina - predornina, andezit, z belimi vtrošniki Na-Ca plagioklazov in redkimi črnimi rogovačami v zeleni kloritizirani steklasti do mikrokristalni osnovi, nastala v času izlivnega delovanja smrekovškega vulkanizma s sledovi tečenja lave. / Oligocene volcanic – e usive rock, andesite, with white phenocrysts of Na-Ca plagoclases and rare black hornblende within green chloritised glassy to microcrystal groundmass with traces of uid lava owing, formed in the time of e usive activity of the Smrekovec volcanism.

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