ODI Visual Identity Guidelines
BUSINESS CONCEPT Three key featuresofour approachdifferentiateus:ourclient focus,ourmulti-specialism andour regional strategy.Weput the needsofourclientscentre stage.Understanding, anticipating and satisfyingclient’s individual legalneeds is, forus, apriority.This commitment,combinedwithour in-depth knowledge andexperience ineachof their industries, allowsus todeliver thehighest levelof service. InSlovenia,Serbia,Croatia andMacedonia.
VALUES Ourprimaryobjective is tocreate value forourclientsby streamliningour in-depth knowledge andexperience in aparticular industry.Our approach isdefinedby the following three values:
Outstanding: Weunderstand the issues.We areguidedby strongethicalprinciples and inparticularby ahighdegreeof professionalism.We arepersistently followingclient interests togobeyond yourexpectations.
Dynamic: Weunderstand thecommercialmarket.Success and reliability areguaranteedbyourdetermined action and the ability to adapt to any situation.
Innovative: Wewilldeliver.We actwith strongdevotion andpersistence to add value forourclients andcontribute toourclients’ success.Ourunique solutionsmake theboldest visionspossible anddeliver acompetitive advantage toourclients.
REPUTATION Wehave a reputation forproviding anexceptional legal service.We are renowned forourcommitment toexcellence and forour ability to find innovative solutions to themostcomplexof legalproblems.Ourclients recognise and value this.Our reputation is confirmedbyour rankings in the legaldirectories.To seewhatothers say aboutus, read some independentcomments.
PRACTICE AREAS Ourcorepractice areas are Restructuring and Insolvency , Corporate , Mergers andAcquisitions , Banking and Finance and DisputeResolution .We alsohave leadingpractitioners inother specialist areasoutlinedbelow.
Banking and Finance Commercial Competition Corporate DisputeResolution Employment Energy IP and IT Media andTelecoms Mergers andAcquisitions PrivateClients PublicSector RealEstate Restructuring and insolvency
PEOPLE Our lawyers aremulti-specialists,equipped tohandle abroad rangeof legalmatters.This versatilityenablesus to field fewer people for transactions and togiveeachclient a singlepointofcontactwithwhom theycanbuild acloseworking relationship.
MilošČurović Partner
MarkoKetler Partner
Đurđica Ilić Partner
AleksandarKcev SeniorAssociate
SimonaKostovska JuniorAssociate
MašaDrkušič Associate
GjorgjiGeorgievski Partner
AnaStojanovska Partner
TamaraČurović Partner
MašaSnoj Administration
IvanaDrobac JuniorAssociate
AnžeArko SeniorAssociate
TilenTacol SeniorAssociate
Matjaž Jan Partner
JelenaMilić JuniorAssociate
BarbaraStražiščar Administration
TjašaPremerl JuniorAssociate
MihaBabič Associate
KatarinaŠkrbec Associate
BojanaGeorgievska JuniorAssociate
Uroš Ilić Partner
MihaBratina SeniorAssociate
LeaVatovec SeniorAssociate
BojanaMojsovska Ivanova SeniorAssociate
MilkicaTrivičević JuniorAssociate
MarinkaKrmac Administration
Branko Ilić Partner
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