LJUBLJANA Travel Agent Manual
Recreation & wellness
Ljubljana is a healthy and active city The green image of Ljubljana
and the healthy, sporting spirit of its inhabitants contribute to the special sports atmosphere of the Slovenian capital. It is a dynamic city, which fills you up with energy and invites you to discover it on foot or by bike. The city centre is a mosaic of picturesque red-roofed buildings from which enchanting views and easily accessible paths stretch out to green hills − the castle hill, Šišenski hrib, Rožnik, and Šmarna gora, which is one of the reasons why practically everyone in the city keeps a pair of hiking or running shoes. Ljubljana is also a real sports city with a modern sports infrastructure and it has already proven itself in providing excellent organisation of important sports championships at both the European and global levels. You too are invited to enjoy the city, climb those green hills for stunning views, and make a few resolutions to lead a healthier and greener life. You can choose among numerous activities and Ljubljana Tourism has also prepared a series of active guided tours of the city, on which you can discover Ljubljana on a bike, while jogging, with Segways or with a pair of Nordic walking poles.
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