DTS.Textil Classic linija

Stedman Product Polo "Clive" Polo "Henry" Polo Men Polo Women

Tee Jays Product

Westford Mill Product

Product-Nr. Page

Product-Nr. Page

Product-Nr. Page

05.9640 05.9050 05.3000 05.3100 05.5040 05.5840 05.5940 05.5440 05.8170 05.8000 05.8830 05.8930 05.8850 05.8950 05.8840 05.8940 05.8100 05.5600 05.5610 05.5710 05.5620 05.2810 05.9710 05.9720 05.9610 05.9130 18.0145 18.0146 18.0400 18.0401 18.0450 18.0455 18.0460 18.0520 18.0530 18.0580 18.0590 18.1000 18.1100 18.110B 18.1200 18.1400 18.1401 18.1404 18.1405 18.1406 18.1407 18.1409 18.1440 18.1441 18.4000 18.4001 18.4002 18.4003 18.4020 18.4021 18.4024 18.4025 18.4030 18.5000 18.5001 18.5004 18.5005 18.5050 18.5060 18.5062 18.5063 18.5072 18.5100 18.5102 18.512B 18.5400 18.5402 18.5425 18.5429 18.5430 18.5431 18.5432 18.5435 18.5436 18.5438 18.5440 18.5504 18.5506 18.5508 18.5510 18.5700 18.5702 18.5704 18.5706 18.5708 18.5710 18.6000 18.6001 18.6006 18.6010 18.7000 18.7001 18.7020 18.7021 18.7022 18.7200 18.7201 18.8000 18.8005 18.8006 18.8007 18.8050 18.9100 18.9101 18.9104 18.9110 18.9113 18.9114 18.9120 18.9122 18.9124 18.9160 18.9170 18.9510

89 89 89 89

9514 9602 9604 9605 9606 9608 9609 9610 9611 9615 9616 9624 9625 9626 9628 9629 9630 9631 9632 9633 9644 9646 9647 9648 9660 9661 9670 9680 9681

18.9514 18.9602 18.9604 18.9605 18.9606 18.9608 18.9609 18.9610 18.9611 18.9615 18.9616 18.9624 18.9625 18.9626 18.9628 18.9629 18.9630 18.9631 18.9632 18.9633 18.9644 18.9646 18.9647 18.9648 18.9660 18.9661 18.9670 18.9680 18.9681 48.1048 48.1007 48.1000 48.1008 48.1009 48.1034 48.1035 48.1047 48.1011 48.1021 48.1001 48.1002 48.1005 48.1006 48.1014 48.1015 48.1016 48.1017 48.1018 48.1004 48.1003 48.1057 48.1012 48.1058 48.1046 48.1019 48.1020 48.1036 48.1037 48.1038 48.1013 48.1085 48.1082 48.1083 48.1084 48.1081 48.1080 48.1051 48.1050 48.1022 48.1023 48.1061 48.1065 48.1067 48.1059 48.1025 48.1026 48.1027 48.1056 48.1043 48.1044 48.1045 48.1031 60.3000 60.3001 60.3207 60.3101 60.3203 49.4900 49.4896 49.4898 49.4899 49.4951 49.4894 49.6066 49.6063 49.6064 49.6065 49.7049 49.6067 49.6062 49.1767 49.9206 49.9203 49.9204 49.9205 49.8098 49.8096 49.8084 49.8085

215 245 248 248 248 248 248 245 245 189 189 245 245 246 246 246 247 247 247 247 249 249 249 249 247 247 245 249 249 342 365 352 352 352 364 364 364 365 365 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 361 363 360 360 362 365 362 362 362 362 364 364 364 365 363 363 363 365 363 363 342 342 360 360 359 359 359 362 363 364 360 362 365 365 363 360 168 168 168 169 169 356 356 356 356 356 356 354 354 354 354 354 354 354 357 357 357 357 357 355 355 355 355

W104 W108 W110 W115 W118 W121 W125 W150 W155 W160 W161 W180 W201 W210 W225 W251 W253 W255 W258 W260 W261 W285 W355 W407 W408 W412 W422 W427 W466 W470 W475 W477 W480 W530 W540 W574 W608 W610 W671 W680 W690 W710 W801 W810 W816 W850 W881

50.0104 50.0108 50.0110 50.0115 50.0118 50.0121 50.0125 50.0150 50.0155 50.0160 50.0161 50.0180 50.0201 50.0210 50.0225 50.0251 50.0253 50.0255 50.0258 50.0260 50.0261 50.0285 50.0355 50.0407 50.0408 50.0412 50.0422 50.0427 50.0466 50.0470 50.0475 50.0477 50.0480 50.0530 50.0540 50.0574 50.0608 50.0610 50.0671 50.0680 50.0690 50.0710 50.0801 50.0810 50.0816 50.0850 50.0881 79.V005 79.V006 79.008F 79.016T 79.J220 79.J259 79.J400 79.J410 79.J510 79.VK05 79.VK07 79.VK08 79.VK09 79.P218 79.P302 79.P711 79.W100 79.W102 79.W120 79.W801 79.W820

428 425 429 443 429 429 425 440 440 429 425 425 425 429 425 440 440 440 440 428 425 443 447 427 427 427 427 427 426 427 427 427 427 443 443 443 443 426 426 440 443 337 425 428 443 426 437 333 332 332 331 330 329 330 330 331 331 331 333 332 333 333 333 329 329 329 329 329

Power Fleece Jacket Men Scuba Jacket Men Scuba Jacket Women Softshell Jacket "Lux"

189 137 137 215 215 166 166 165 165 165 165 166 166 166 138 137 137 138 53 56 56 56 55

Softshell Jacket "Lux" Women 05.5540

Sports-T Kids Sports-T Men

Sports-T Move Men Sports-T Move Women Sports-T Race Men Sports-T Race Women Sports-T Reflect Men Sports-T Reflect Women Sports-T Women Sweat Hoodie Unisex Sweat Jacket Men Sweat Jacket Women V-Neck T "Claire" V-Neck T "Claire" LSL V-Neck T "Clive" V-Neck T "Megan" Sweatshirt Tank Top

Tee Jays Product

Product-Nr. Page

The One Towelling Product

145 146 400 401 450 455 460 520 530 580 590

91 93 57 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 60 57 57 90 93 93 92 91 93 92 93 90 90

Product-Nr. Page


Baby Bathrobe Baby Bib Baby Poncho Baby Towel Bamboo 50 Bamboo 70 Bathmat 80 Bathrobe Bathrobe hooded Classic 100 Classic 210

1000 1100 1100B 1200 1400 1401 1404 1405 1406 1407 1409 1440 1441 4000 4001 4002 4003 4020 4021 4024 4025 4030 5000 5001 5004 5005 5050 5060 5062 5063 5072 5100 5102 5102B 5400 5402 5425 5429 5430 5431 5432 5435 5436 5438 5440 5504 5506 5508 5510 5700 5702 5704 5706 5708 5710 6000 6001 6006 6010 7000 7001 7020 7021 7022 7200 7201 8000 8005 8006 8007 8050 9100 9101 9104 9110 9113 9114 9120 9122 9124 9160 9170 9510

Classic 50 Classic 70 Deluxe 100 Deluxe 50 Deluxe 60 Deluxe 70 Guest 30x30 Guest 30x50 Hamam Bag Golf

Yoko Product HV005 HV006 HV008F HV016T HVJ220 HVJ259 HVJ400 HVJ410 HVJ510 HVK05 HVK07 HVK08 HVK09 HVP218 HVP302 HVP711 HVW100 HVW102 HVW120 HVW801 HVW820 Extras Product

Product-Nr. Page

274 274 275 275 274 274 274 274 275 58 58 58 58 57 60 58 58 57 143 143 143 138 138 142 143 139 139 142 139 139 142 142 140 140 140 140 141 141 141 141 141 141 276 275 276 275 92 92 167 167 167 167 167 59 59 59 59 59 173 173 173 246 246 246 184 184 184 184 184 215

Hamam Bathrobe Hamam Exclusive Hamam Marine Hamam Sultan Hamam Terry

Hotel 30 Hotel 50 Hotel 70

Kids Bathrobe Organic 100 Organic 50 Organic 70 Organic Bathrobe Organic Guest 30 Organic Washcloth Oven Glove Pot holder Print 50 Print 70 Recycled 100 Recycled 50 Recycled 70 Salon Towel 45 Recycled Hamam Towel

Product-Nr. Page

Long Cotton Bag g



Slippers Sport

Towel Stripe Velour Bathrobe Waffle Bathrobe Waffle Towel 100

Washcloth Tradition Product

Product-Nr. Page

Changeable Chest Shield Leather Trousers long/men Leather Trousers long/women g/ Leather Trousers short/men Leather Trousers short/women Calypso Feeling 100 g Calypso Feeling 30 g Calypso Feeling 50 g Calypso Feeling 67 g Calypso Feeling 80 g New Generation 100 New Generation 30 New Generation 50 New Generation 67 New Generation 80 New Generation Bathmat New Generation Washcloth Calypso Feeling Washcloth g Vossen Product

Product-Nr. Page


Tomorow 100 Tomorow 30 Tomorow 50 Tomorow 67 Vegan Life 100 Vegan Life 40 Vegan Life 50 Vegan Life 67

Westford Mill Product

Product-Nr. Page

W101 W101C W101S

50.0101 50.101C 50.101S

424 424 424

Made with FlippingBook - Online Brochure Maker