Aškerčevi asi 2022-23

Holiday Cheer

Primary P3E students of the European School Ljubljana have joined forces with the secondary, 3.a students, from Gimnazija Antona Aškerca and together, they have created wonderful holiday cards for the Senior Citizens living in Elderly Homes in Slovenia, in the hope of making them feel less lonely for those family December holidays. First, the primary students prepared a speech, presenting the project, and invited the secondary students to their classroom, where they wrote the holiday cards together in Slovene. Unfortunately, them being all English - speaking children, their Slovene is not their strong suit. Therefore, the secondary students were an obvious choice who to ask for help with writing heart felt wishes and they immediately agreed to doing the project together. A week later, the P3E classroom was decorated, desks and chairs set up, Christmas music playing in the background to set up the mood, welcoming the ‘’big students’’ to their ‘’winter wonderland’’. What a beautiful Wednesday morning it was for this intergenerational collaboration between two schools, as well as different cultures and languages. As one can see in the attached photos, the room was filled with the holiday spirit. Older students guiding and teaching the younger ones on how to express their kind wishes on paper, helping them with Slovene spelling and translations, so the recipients of the cards would be able to feel the intent behind them, pure love.


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