Aškerčevi asi 2022-23

Jurij Žerjal

No, everyone should dress as they want.

Denis Kranjc

No, because everyone has the type of clothes in which he feels comfortable and confident. Lovro Jović

Writing essays versus writing tests

Essays obviously show a student’s wider range of knowledge and skills of expressing their own opinion. In tests students are expected to give objective facts they were taught in school. Lovro Ločnikar Essays allow students to develop writing skills and to create a connection between a personal opinion and knowledge from books. They force us to be critical and not to study just definitions. It’s about explaining and understanding. Leona Obreza Essays are better at exploring our thoughts and encourage us to think outside the things we have learnt. It isn’t for everyone, though. Jurij Žerjal Essays show more insight while tests are composed to evaluate knowledge we have to learn from our books. Tereza Kavčič

In essays you also show your ability to think, you develop your ideas.

Denis Kranjc

Essays are much better because we keep that information much longer while when the test is over, we forget most of it in a week or two. Lovro Jović


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